Thursday, 1 August 2019

Startup Ideas

Startups are fun.
Teaching Startup Management is greater fun.
Because you see the ideas sprouting in the minds of future entrepreneurs.
Another season of teaching Entrepreneurship and Startup Management for Ghumakkad-the-teacher. Within three hours of launching the subject, my PGDM students were asked to identify an opportunity which could become an idea for a Startup. Most of the students had no prior work-ex. Yet, they could think of startup ideas which showed the following characteristics:

  1. It addresses a 'need' of prospective customer or society
  2. May not be unique but has potential
  3. Rides on innovation
  4. Is doable
  5. Ideas span across industry sectors
  6. Product-based ideas also
  7. Social venture ideas
  8. Addresses the needs of rural India as well
Here is a summary of some of the 50-odd ideas submitted by the students.

For a teacher who believes in learning-by-doing, it is immensely satisfying when the students apply themselves. Kudos to the Class of 2020. Let your dreams soar. But keep your feet on the ground and do the home work well. This is just the beginning.
CAP stands for continuous assessment plan. There are a series of CAP activities during the semester.
All the best for the upcoming B-Plan Contest.

    -  Harsh-the-teacher-and-Ghumakkad/ 1st Aug 19

 #Startups #entrepreneurship #identifyingopportunity #learningoutcomes #learningbydoing #experientiallearning #MBA #PGDM #VVISM #ghumakkadharsh #ghumakkadhb #startupideas #startupIndia #Startupsarefun


  1. Good idea, nice start up names.

  2. Awesome! They have an exceptional mentor!! 👍👍

  3. It takes creativity to dream up a start-up.
    An how better can a youngster learn than with a mentor like you guiding him/her Sir.

  4. Amazing all the best to you and ur students.

  5. Great making youngster think.
    India needs new ideas to skyrocket it's economy.
    All the best

  6. Great initiative making youngsters applying their mind.India needs lot many ideas to skyrocket it's economy.
    All the very best

  7. It gives me great pleasure to note your creative drive. I too succeeded winning the IDex contest by MOD for make in India APS.

    1. Bravo Ravindra. That's great news. Keep going.

  8. Wao... Great ideas... ePurohit mind blowing

    1. Thanks much Swagat. Likes of e-Purohit have been around. But the novelty is in on-site puja!


  9. Kudos to the author for the inspiring blog on "Startup Ideas." Your creative insights and entrepreneurial guidance are commendable. Well done on a valuable and motivating article! Read about OKRs here.
