Friday, 28 February 2025

Ironman New Zealand Curtain Raiser

Is Ironman a big deal? To which Mark Hollander a post-Covid Ironman replied "It is a monumental achievement that demands unwavering dedication, physical endurance, and mental fortitude. It also gives you sore legs the next day and bragging rights for the rest of your life!" 

Ironman started as an endurance sport in Hawai in 1978 which was won by US Navy personnel. The Ironman New Zealand  in 1985 became the first overseas event outside US. For the first 14 years it was held in Auckland. It then moved to Taupo in 1999. My son Ankush is participating in Ironman New Zealand on 1st March 2025 (IMNZ-2025 for short). Ironman is currently held annually in more than 50 locations worldwide including Antarctica. This story is a curtain raiser for IMNZ-2025 in Taupo.

What is Ironman

It is a swim, bike and run event. 3.8 km swim, 180 km bike followed by 42.2 km marathon run in that order same day. Yes, the same day. The total comes to 140.6 miles. Half of that is 70.3. There is a shorter event called the 70.3. Ankush  had completed 70.3 Ironman in Goa in 2022. You may browse his story in the link below:

Ironman in the Family

The Venue

Ironman New Zealand 2025 in Taupo has a happening venue. With more than 2000 participants it was buzzing with activity two days in advance. The registration desks were all manned by volunteers who were students as well as teachers from schools in Taupo as well as Auckland. Taupo is a beautiful city with the picturesque Lake Taupo where the swim part of IMNZ is held. See the pictures below.

Registration Kit

The kit had the bib for the run, waterproof tatoo for the swim and stickers for the bike and transition bags. In addition, it had a hand-written letter by a middle school student addressed to the participant. It was such a sweet gesture. See the pictures below.

The Preparation 

Most participants bring their own bikes. the bikes have to be unpacked, re-assembled and tested. Similarly, one has to acclimatise to the water temperature and do a short swim. Bikes along with change of clothing and shoes for the run have to be deposited in the 'Transition' area in advance. Transition briefing was done by the IM staff a day in advance. See more pictures below.

Now all ears are tuned to the hooter to be sounded at 8 AM tomorrow. It marks the start of the swim to be followed by the bike and run. For the next 17 torturous hours the athletes will toil continuously to qualify and earn the title of an Ironman. And yes, sore legs the next day and bragging rights for the rest of their lives!

All the best to Ankush and rest of the participants of IMNZ-2025. 

Thanks for browsing

   - Harsh-the-Ghumakkad with Ankush Bhargava/Taupo, NZ/28th Feb 2025

#Ironman #IMNZ #IMNZ2025 #IMNZTaupo #Taupo #NewZealand #IronmanAthletes #ghumakkadhb #ghumakkadharsh


  1. Wow. Inspirational.

  2. Replies
    1. Baap toh Baap Beta arre wah MERE Baap. All the Best Son.@ Bajaj

  3. Please congratulate Ankush

  4. Please congratulate Ankush

  5. Best wishes to Ankush

  6. This is indeed the most demanding sport that human beings participate in. We are so proud that Ankush is a part of it and come tomorrow I am sure he will be a bonafide IM. Wish him all the best and pray for his thundering success. Keep us informed at the end of each event please.

    1. Thanks much Vinod.
      With your good wishes, am sure he will!

  7. All the best to Ankush, Sir. Swamy

  8. All the best to Ankush. I just did Delhi half marathon and that itself was so demanding. Enjoy NZ - it is a beautiful country. We got an opportunity to visit Bay of Islands, Auckland and Christchurch in 2017 and we are ready for another trip.

    1. Yes, do not miss Taupo, the prettiest destination in NZ.
      Thanks Pankaj.

  9. We are proud for ankush all the best,he will complete with flying colors

  10. Wishing all the best. Like Grandfather Like Grandson

  11. Best wishes for dear Ankush and congratulations to his ‘Mentor’. May you both be victorious, _whatever be the final results_.

  12. All the best to Ankush.

  13. All the best to Ankush.

  14. All the best Ankush Bhaiya …this is so amazing ..,you are truly the iron man of our family …an inspiration for many of us

  15. From: Capt Jindal

    Absolutely incredible
    Pse wish all the best for Ankur for the big day - 1st March

  16. Best wishes to Iron Man Ankush for the rare and great achievement. Harsh please take care of the sour legs the day after the race. God bless.

    1. Yes Chary. Am here for full support including photography :-)

  17. Harsh, Ankush does not look like an ironman but he surely is made up of what it takes to become an proven in Goa in 2022. That was curtain raiser
    All the very best to ironman in the making Ankush…it is so tough
    Gipy Uncle

  18. Great.Well done Ankush. Wish all the best for this event.

  19. Ankush is three in one Man
    Spider Man, Stunt Man & Iron Man . Congrats.

  20. All the best Ankush for becoming ironman

  21. All the best to Ankush ! No doubt he will finish with a record

  22. Very exciting run up to the event.. Congratulations Ankush ! May God be with you and may you reach the heights!

    1. Thanks for your blessings and good wishes Trixie

  23. S Rangaiah
    We are simply excited to learn about the upcoming event.
    Compliments & best wishes to Ankush!

  24. S Rangaiah
    We are excited to learn about the upcoming event.
    Compliments to Ankush

  25. Pl congratulate Ankus
