Thursday, 27 February 2025

Children's Park in New Zealand

Children are our real assets who will take the life forward. But do we care for our children? Do we create safe public play areas for them? Can the children breathe fresh unpolluted air in the cities? Ask the above questions wherever you live. And the answer would most likely be no!

But New Zealand cares for its children. We took a walk to one of the children's parks in Taupo. What struck us was the cleanliness, well designed and safe play areas as well as clean toilets. There was greenery all around. There was a board explaining how the mountains got their names. Besides being a play area, the park also has educational value. Many cities in Europe and North America also have similar facilities for the children.

See the pictures below and then decide whether NZ cares for the children or not!

There is a huge chess board for the adults to keep busy while the children enjoy in the play area.

Warrior mountains as per local folklore! Zoom the picture and read the story.

Public loo with a rose garden! Yes, see the picture below. 

Blue skies in Taupo are a real treat. Sharing a few more pictures. See an Ironman runner practicing.

The lake with high winds and gentle waves!

The travellers basking in warm Sun in the park. In fact days are so warm because of intense UV radiation, that one has to look out for a shade or wear a protective headgear.

Thanks for browsing 

   - Harsh-the-Ghumakkad with Ankush Bhargava/Taupo New Zealand/ 27th Feb 2025

#Taupo #lakeTaupo #New Zealand #ironmannewzealand2025 #childrenparktaupo #publiclootaupo #ghumakkadharsh #ghumakkadhb


  1. Beautiful pollution free sky and environment. Nice pictures. Have a nice trip and enjoy.

  2. Very scenic and wish you joyful holidays

  3. Wonderful. It is so important that kids should be given the best of environment to grow holistically. Newzeland seems more sensible about it. Thank you sir for sharing

  4. Really enjoyed your photos and write-up, Uncle! Free play and open nature is as essential to children as parental love and nutritious food. Glad to see that New Zealand takes it seriously... Love the combination of green and blue in the photos. All the very best to Ankush!

  5. Thanks Harsh for the lovable update with beautiful clicks. We, like you , are also very proud of Ankur and wish him all the best.

  6. Clear skies with great spaces for the young to play ...what can be better ! Ankur has made us all very proud ...God bless both Ankur and you
