Tuesday 30 October 2018

Buddy Who Never Forgets

This is a poem written for Ghumakkad's buddy on his 67th Birthday!

Buddy Who Never Forgets

Today is the birthday
of a buddy who never forgets
others’ birthdays, anniversaries and life stories.
‘Others’ are not only his family, buddies from school, college or 
work life

but also their parents, children and grandchildren!

He is a living encyclopedia
of names, dates, old film songs, lyrics, singers and even the performing actors.
Events which may go back 50 years
are narrated in graphic detail by him even today.

Even though living far away

he never lets the distance come in between.
In fact, his warmth, love and affection
have got multiplied with the distance.

Whom are we talking about? 
No prizes for guessing!

Yes, he is none other than Annu bhai
our dear buddy Anand Jain!
‘Jigri dost’ as he prefers to call us!

May God keep his power supply always ‘on’ and his hard disk always connected!

Happy Birthday Annu and lots of love

- All of us in Hyderabad/Mumbai/Bangalore/Delhi/ Canada/ Germany/USA

30th October 2018

Postscript: Vinod Agarwal from USA added the following lines in Hindi:
अन्नू भाई तुम्हारी तारीफ जितनी की जाय कम है। 
हम सबकी जिंदगी में तुम्हारी  दुआओं का दम है।  

क्या क्या तुमने नहीं किया हम सब के लिए ही हमेशा। 
बिना बोले बिना जताय हमारी मदद करते रहे हमेशा। 

चाहे जन्म दिन हो या बर्ष गांठ या हारी-बीमारी घर में। 
सबसे पहिले ही तुम्हारा फ़ोन बजता है हर हर पल में। 

और बेगम फरीदा की बात क्या करे हम माशा अल्लाह। 
उनहोंने चार चाँद लगा रखें हैं सब दोस्तों की जिंदगी में। 

तुम्हारी खूब लम्बी उम्र होऔर दुनिया की हर ख़ुशी मिले। 

हमारे और तुम्हारे दिलों की नजदीकी एक मिशाल बने। 

Superb VK, thanks.
#anandjain #buddyforever #buddywhoneverforgets #67thbirthday #love #ghumakkadhb #ghumakkadharsh

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