Sunday, 20 December 2015

Walls and Bridges

This Picturesque Quote in PQ series, is inspired by the recent debate in India about intolerance. Be it the return of awards by writers, artists or scientists or flood of articles in the media-- it signified the feelings of common man. Ghumakkad had to convey the same feeling.

Looking for an apt quotation, I chanced upon Isaac Newton's famous quote "We build too many walls and not enough bridges". I thought it amply conveyed the sentiments of scores of people in India. A search through my picture archives led me to a picture of Bhongir Fort built in 10th Century AD. Though partially restored, the walls of the fort echo Newton's words on building harmony. Here is the PQ for you.
Let us together build bridges of harmony.
Season's Greetings for the approaching festive days ahead.

Thanks for browsing,
   Harsh-the-Ghumakkad/ 20th Dec 2015

On 21st Dec, Ram K Pillai wrote: "Walls of hatred sculpted with domes & aesthetics versus fragile dull bridges losing to those walls...

The most dangerous walls are those built around one's mind; a bye-product of self-dependence"

1 comment:

  1. Spot on sir...and the bridges we build crumble, quite literally. Learning to listen and respect disparate voices and cultivating a sense of humour even when it comes to religion would hold us in good stead
