Sunday 4 June 2023

Beat the Plastic Pollution- World Env Day 2023

#BeatPlasticPollution is the theme for World Environment Day 2023. Steered by the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP), the theme changes every year and addresses a topical issue concerning the environment.

Plastics are harmful and take hundreds of years to degrade in a landfill. According to, "Unfortunately, the bags don't break down completely but instead photo-degrade, becoming microplastics that absorb toxins and continue to pollute the environment." 

Plastics contain toxic chemicals. According to Geneva Environment Network, "These include endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs), which are linked to infertility, obesity, diabetes, prostate or breast cancer, thyroid problems and increased risk of cardiovascular disease and stroke, among others." And the list of diseases goes on.

So another World Environment Day is here. Once again we urge every citizen to take care of the environment around you. Be it your home, school, college, residential complex or the trees and plants in your neighbourhood. If we keep the environment clean and green, half the battle is won. Otherwise, we will loose the species that make up the environment. We will only see the birds or animals in the books! 

We pose the following questions to provoke us.

The above pictures are also available as a short 1min 30 sec video.

Ghumakkad has been writing regularly to preserve the environment. Some of our stories are listed below. Just click the link to browse.

Only One Earth - World Env Day 2022

Reimagine, Recreate Restore - How to restore the environment? World Env Day 2021

Mutualism by Nature - how few species are dependent upon one another

Shrinking Urban Lakes- Impending Disaster

What Can We Do? - Practical things to do by individuals

As we said above, 'Together We Can!' Let us do our bit to save the environment. Every drop counts in this effort. The above links provide practical ways what each of us can do to save the environment. The readers may also visit for an excellent video message on climate change. 

We reproduce a PQ based on Ratan Tata's famous line 'I've often felt that the Indian Tiger has not been unleashed.'

Thanks for browsing.

    - Harsh-the-Ghumakkad with Neeta Bhargava/ Secunderabad/ 5th June 2023

#worldenvironmentday #environment #earth #pollution #deforestation #lakes #trees #plants #birds #animals #responsiblehumanbeings #humangreed #ghumakkadharsh #ghumakkadhb #beatplasticpollution #jaagore #climatechange #unep


  1. Nature provides a free lunch, but only if we control our appetites.

    1. Well said Vicky. If only human geed could be overcome!

  2. Good read, thought provoking

  3. Practical environmental message. Thanks for sharing.

  4. Each time me of us should plant at least one tree and nurture it. Stop buying goods wrapped in plastic. Take your bags for shopping.
    from: Capt P K Jindal
