Sunday 7 April 2019

Which Bridge, Which River? KBG-13

Which is this bridge?
Over which river?
Ghumakkad's readers who did not have a liking for forts, this one is specially for them!
KBG-13 is here.
Your favourite Kaun Banega Ghumakkad?
Give it a shot.

Didn't get it?
Well, here are two clues.

Remember, first three correct answers get featured in the next story. So, act fast!

If you missed KBG-12, click here to browse.

Incidentally this is Ghumakkad's 350th post!
Thanks for your active participation. 

     -  Harsh-the-Ghumakkad/ 7th Apr 2019

#kbg #kaunbanegaghumakkad #kbgcontest #clues #funwithtravel #photowalks #ghumakkadhb #ghumakkadharsh


  1. Sir this is bramhaputra river and this bridge is saraighat bridge in Guwahati.

  2. Thanks for your response.
    Can you please identify yourself?

  3. Just been on this bridge. The New Saraighata Bridge over the aggressive Brahmaputra.
    I had been to Guwahati. Lovely photo

  4. Thanks much. You are spot on but a bit late to grab the prize! Better luck next time.

  5. Congratulations Ghummakkad on your 350th post! To many more from your camera and blog!
