Thursday 28 March 2019

Even Plants Avoid Plastics

Are the plants and creepers more intelligent than us human beings?
Do they care more about the environment? 
Do creepers know how to avoid plastics?
The answer to all is yes.

Ghumakkad made this observation in his yard. To let the Karela करेला (Bitter Gourd) creeper climb up, we tied a small twine made of plastic. The creeper initially used the plastic twine to take a grip, albeit slowly and probably reluctantly. As it grew further, it bent sideways to find a natural grip of a branch or a leaf. And it succeeded. One step at a time. Read the picture story below.

If only we humans could be as discerning and intelligent as tiny plants and creepers, we could save our planet from ecological abuse and degradation.

Karela creeper had figured earlier in another story titled Jewel Bug. You may browse to marvel at Nature's another marvel. The bug had settled on a Karela leaf as shown below.

Nature continues to fascinate Ghumakkad. Does it fascinate you too?

Thanks for browsing.

     -  Harsh-the-Ghumakkad/ 28th March 2019

#nature #ecology #plants #creepers #plastics #environment #degradation #karela #ghumakkadhb #ghumakkadharsh #jewelbug


  1. Very interesting to observe the path of the vine- it has a mind of its own. Fine pictures and captions! :)

    1. Thanks much Lalita. Mind of its own- well said.
