When did you last visit a village in India? In any part or state of India ?
What was your experience and observations?
Were the villagers happy and contented?
Ghumakkad says 'Rural India is real happiness'.
While visiting the Pench Tiger Reserve in southern MP, we walked around the villages nearby. Although the economic levels may be low, yet the villagers, children, cattle and cleanliness were all admirable. There was no litter on the village lanes unlike the city streets and roads. Pench has plenty of resorts to cater for the tourists. All these resorts are clean and dispose off their garbage in a responsible manner. The village panchayat (lowest governing body in rural India) ensures cleanliness. A village panchayat has constructed a link road around a lake which is now a tourist attraction. This village panchayat gets it's revenue from all the resorts located around Pench Tiger Reserve. Construction of the link road generated employment for local population. See the pictures below.
Thanks for browsing. Do share your experiences of rural India. Hope you find rural India a happier place as Ghumakkad does!
- Harsh-the Ghumakkad/ Pench, Madhya Pradesh India/ 21st Jan 2024
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