Sunday, 28 March 2021

Hiking At Dawn

 Hiking at dawn. Rocks and rocks. Not very far from the city.

See the picture below and give it a caption. Your caption can be the winner of the 55th edition of Kaun Banega Ghumakkad, your favourite online caption contest! Shorter the caption the better it is.

About the Picture

This picture was taken at Khajaguda Hills on the western outskirts of Hyderabad. Few Armed Forces Veterans and their families had gone there on an early morning hike. The colours of dawn and its glow are visible. More about the hike in a later story.

How to Submit a Caption

Now get going and give your caption pronto! If you feel like, you may suggest more than one caption.

For the first-timers on KBG, you can respond using any of the six channels below:

  1. Leave a comment on this post
  2. Send email to  
  3. Respond on the FB post
  4. Comment on Instagram @ghumakkadhb 
  5. Comment on Twitter @HarshBh21184761
  6. Send a WA message. If you want your WA number to be added to Ghumakkad's list, send an email.
The timing of the KBG Contest is chosen to suit the readers in most of the time zones across the world.

Hope we have helped you in overcoming the Covid boredom to some extent.

Previous Contest

KBG-54 showed a picture of Jahajpur Fort partly in ruins. One single picture generated more than 30 creative captions. For complete list of the captions and the winning entries, click the story 'Stony Silence'. Two of the winning captions are reproduced below:

Be your creative best and shoot your response. Most catchy captions will be the Winners of KBG-55! All the best.

Stay connected, stay safe.

   - Harsh-the-Ghumakkad with Neeta Bhargava/ 28th March 2021.

#hiking #khajagudahills #hyderabad #telangana #ghumakkadhb #ghumakkadharsh #KBG #kaunbanegaghumakkad #onlinecontest #powerofobservation #lockdownfunathome #beatthecorona #lockdown #stayhomestaysafe  #captions #adventure #illegalquarrying #craetivecaptions #pqs #picturesquequotations #savetherocks #boulders #virtualtravel

Thursday, 25 March 2021

Stony Silence

 'Stony silence- but waiting to tell a story!'

'Charm does not decay'

'खंडहर हूँ , पर इतिहास हूँ। '

These are some of the prize winning captions in KBG-54 captions contest. The contest featured Jahazpur Fort which is partly in ruins. 

The picture of the hill fort fired the imagination of the participants with more than 30 interesting captions coming in! The renewed format of Kaun Banega Ghumakkad online contest as a caption competition has been accepted very well by the readers. The 54th edition of the contest was however, plagued by global outage few days ago. It disrupted major email and messaging platforms across the globe.

Jahazpur Fort

The fort built during 15th Century AD overlooks the Tehsil town of Jahazpur (also spelt as Jahajpur) in Bhilwara district of Rajasthan India. It is a hill fort in Rajasthan. Located 200 kms south of Jaipur, Jahazpur is not really on the tourist map. Readers may browse our earlier story 'The Ruins of Jahajpur Fort'. We are preproducing below few pictures for quick reference.

Isn't the ruinous fort so captivating? Watch the 30-second video clip to 'feel' the stony silence.

Captions Contest

We received more than 35 entries for the contest. One caption was suggested by five readers. The following table lists all the captions. The winning captions have been highlighted. We thank all the readers and congratulate the winners.

KBG-54 Winners

The Jury found the captions very interesting. We are delighted to share the winning captions along with a brief intro of each Winner. Thanks are also due to both the Jury Members- Joyshree Banerjee and Neeta Bhargava. Joyshree is an Air Force spouse and an expert chef. Fond of gardening and stitching, she is a happy-go-lucky person. Neeta is a Naval spouse and loves travelling and gardening. A compassionate Nature lover, the 40-odd Silverbill Munias which feed on her bird feeder cheer her up every day.

Sujata Das is an alumnus of BITS Pilani who lives in Canada. She loves Nature and gardening and has a passion for creative writing. Her caption in Hindi खण्डहर हूँ, पर इतिहास हूँ means 'May be a ruin, but I am history', caught the attention of the Jury members.

Dammalapati Vittal is an alumnus of Bharati Vidyapeeth Pune and BITS Pilani. He lives in Chennai and his first love is fruits. Likes to study scriptures at heart but works for a Fintech company for a living. His caption 'Yes I am a WoW, Witness of Wars!' reflects Vittal's creativity!

Amandeep Kaur holds an MBA(Fin) and works with a US company in India. She loves to interact with people. She has won the KBG contest several times. She wrote the caption on behalf of the Fort. Catchy indeed. क्या गुज़रती होगी उस किले पे, जिसने रौनक नहीं देखी सदियों से which means 'What must the anguish be for that fort which has not seen any life for centuries'.

Vinod Dhanuka is former CEO of IL&FS. An alumnus of BITS Pilani, he is fond of travelling and music. Ever willing to lend a helping hand, he lives in Mumbai. His short and crisp caption 'Charm does not decay' was much liked by the Jury.

Manik Srivastava is a former teacher whose students love to network with her even after decades of graduation. A Nature enthusiast and keen traveller, she has been a Jury Member of several KBG Caption Contests. She lives in Secunderabad creating Tanjore paintings and tending her garden. Her caption 'Stony silence- but waiting to tell a story' is simple yet appealing.

Once again, we congratulate all the winners and thank all the contestants. Hope we have helped you in overcoming the Covid boredom to some extent by giving you a virtual tour of Jahajpur Fort. We will continue sharing our travels and adventures and test your creativity in the upcoming KBG Caption Contests.

We end with a PQ- picturesque quote on ruins and the cycle of life.

Stay connected, stay safe.

   - Harsh-the-Ghumakkad/ 25th March 2021

#ruins #hillfort #rajasthantourism #ghumakkadhb #ghumakkadharsh #KBG #kaunbanegaghumakkad #onlinecontest #powerofobservation #lockdownfunathome #beatthecorona #lockdown #stayhomestaysafe  #captions #travelfun #historylovers #craetivecaptions #pqs #picturesquequotations #jahajpur #hillfortsofindia #virtualtravel

Friday, 19 March 2021

The Fort Needs Your Attention

 A 500-year old fort. May be in ruins. But still very imposing.

Does it tickle your brain? Suggest a caption to win KBG-54, the 54th edition of Kaun Banega Ghumakkad, your favourite online caption contest! Shorter the caption the better it is.

A word about the picture. The fort built during 15th Century AD overlooks the Tehsil town of Jahazpur (also spelt as Jahajpur) in Bhilwara district of Rajasthan India. Located 200 kms south of Jaipur, Jahazpur is not really on the tourist map. Swastidham a Jain temple is under construction in Jahazpur. When we visited Swastidham with another couple in 2018, the fort caught my eye from a few kms away. One afternoon, me and our driver set course in general direction of the fort. The approach, the climb, the ruins and the view were all worth the effort. The driver actually refused to climb with me saying 'yahan to bhoot rahtey hain'- this place is haunted. You may browse the full story in our earlier post titled 'The Ruins of Jahajpur Fort'.

Now get going and give your caption pronto!

For the first-timers on KBG, you can respond using any of the six channels below:

  1. Leave a comment on this post
  2. Send email to 
  3. Respond on the FB post
  4. Comment on Instagram @ghumakkadhb 
  5. Comment on Twitter @HarshBh21184761
  6. Send a WA message. If you want your WA number to be added to Ghumakkad's list, send an email.
The timing of the KBG Contest is chosen to suit the readers in most of the time zones across the world.

Hope we have helped you in overcoming the Covid boredom to some extent.

KBG-53 showed a picture of a cable stay bridge in a lake. One single picture generated more than 50 creative captions. For complete list of the captions and the winning entries, click the story 'Trust Me'. Two of the winning captions are reproduced below:

Be your creative best and shoot your response. Most catchy captions will be the Winners of KBG-54! All the best.

Stay connected, stay safe.

   - Harsh-the-Ghumakkad with Neeta Bhargava/ 19th March 2021.

#travel #jahazpurfort #rajasthantourism #ghumakkadhb #ghumakkadharsh #KBG #kaunbanegaghumakkad #onlinecontest #powerofobservation #lockdownfunathome #beatthecorona #lockdown #stayhomestaysafe  #captions #travelfun #historyofmewar #craetivecaptions #pqs #picturesquequotations #fortsofrajsthan #hillforts #virtualtravel

Tuesday, 16 March 2021

Trust Me

 "Trust me!"

"It takes both sides to build a bridge"

"Suspend(ed) over calm waters"

These are some of the creative captions given by the readers of KBG-53 Contest. The contest featured a picture of a Cable stay Bridge in Laknavaram Lake in Telangana India. The picture fired the imagination of the participants with almost 50 different captions coming in! The renewed format of Kaun Banega Ghumakkad online contest as a caption competition has been accepted very well by the readers.

Cable Stay Bridge

Laknavaram Lake in north eastern part of Telangana was built in the 13th century by Kakatiya rulers for irrigation of surrounding areas. This 40 sq-km lake apart from acting as an irrigation source, is now a popular tourist resort. We had visited the lake in 2019. The readers may browse our detailed story titled 'The Lake that Charms You'. KBG-53 had featured just one picture of the bridge in the lake that connects one of the thirteen islands. Other islands are accessible by boat. Here are few more pictures of the lake and the bridge for our readers.

For those not familiar with the geography of the region, see the route map from Hyderabad to Laknavaram. 220 kms, 5 hrs by road on NH-163.

Caption Contest

We received close to 50 captions for the KBG-53 Contest. We appreciate the creativity of Ghumakkad's readers. The complete list is given below for wider readership.

KBG-53 Winners

The Jury found the captions very interesting. We thank all the contestants. We are delighted to share the winning captions along with a brief intro of each Winner. Thanks are also due to both the Jury Members- Manik Srivastava and Neeta Bhargava.

Amandeep Kaur holds an MBA(Fin) and works with a US company in India. She loves to interact with people. She has won the KBG contest several times. Her caption is simple and appealing.

Mukul Bhargava runs his packaging industry in Bangalore. Fond of gardening and travelling, he is a second time winner of KBG contest. His Hindi caption means "Life is as tall and as deep, and melodious like a harp".

Greh Bhushan Sethi is a former Colonel of Indian Army and holds a PhD. He has headed several educational institutions in Hyderabad and been advisor to many educational trusts and societies. I keen golfer he livens up any gathering with his wit and humour. His two worded caption "Trust Me" was much appreciated by the Jury. The bridge is telling us 'trust me' for safe passage across!

Ranajit Sen, Pharmacy graduate from BITS Pilani has been on the Board of several pharmaceutical compnies besides being member of Advisory Councils set up by the Govt of India. He has a great sense of humour.

We share two other PQs- picturesque quotes- on the same bridge but not part of this captions contest.

We end with a quote by Edgar Allen Poe about spending time around a lake.

Hope we have helped you in overcoming the Covid boredom to some extent. We will continue sharing our virtual travels and test your creativity in the upcoming KBG Contests.

Stay connected, stay safe.

   - Harsh-the-Ghumakkad/ 16th March 2021

#nature #laknavaramlake #telanganatourism #ghumakkadhb #ghumakkadharsh #KBG #kaunbanegaghumakkad #onlinecontest #powerofobservation #lockdownfunathome #beatthecorona #lockdown #stayhomestaysafe  #captions #travelfun #naturelovers #craetivecaptions #pqs #picturesquequotations #laknavaram #cablestaybridge #virtualtravel

Saturday, 13 March 2021

The Bridge Needs A Caption

Cable stay bridge in a lake. Reflection in the placid waters. What else do you see in the picture?

The picture awaits your caption. Please keep it short.

KBG-53, the 53rd edition of Kaun Banega Ghumakkad online caption contest is here. Give a caption and be the Winner.

A word about the picture. It was shot in Laknavaram lake in north-eastern Telangana. The cable-stay bridge connects the main land to the island in the lake. The island has a boat jetty, accommodation for tourists and a restaurant run by the Tourism department. Now go ahead and submit your caption!

For the first-timers on KBG, you can respond using any of the six channels below:

  1. Leave a comment on this post
  2. Send email to 
  3. Respond on the FB post
  4. Comment on Instagram @ghumakkadhb 
  5. Comment on Twitter @HarshBh21184761
  6. Send a WA message. If you want your WA number to be added to Ghumakkad's list, send an email.
The timing of the KBG Contest is chosen to suit the readers in most of the time zones across the world.

Hope we have helped you in overcoming the Covid boredom to some extent. For those interested in reading more about Laknavaram Lake, you may browse our story titled 'The Lake That Charms You'

KBG-52 showed a picture of hundreds of demoiselle cranes feeding together. One single picture generated more than thirty interesting captions. For complete list of the captions and the winning entries, click the story 'Ghumakkad Ghar Aaye'. Two of the winning captions are reproduced below:

Be your creative best and shoot your response. Most catchy captions will be the Winners of KBG-53!

Stay connected, stay safe.

   - Harsh-the-Ghumakkad with Neeta Bhargava/ 13th March 2021.

#nature #laknavaramlake #telanganatourism #ghumakkadhb #ghumakkadharsh #KBG #kaunbanegaghumakkad #onlinecontest #powerofobservation #lockdownfunathome #beatthecorona #lockdown #stayhomestaysafe  #captions #travelfun #naturelovers #craetivecaptions #pqs #picturesquequotations #laknavaram #cablestaybridge #virtualtravel

Friday, 12 March 2021

Ghumakkad Ghar Aaye

 "Ghumakkad Ghar Aaye" घुमक्कड़ घर आए 

"उड़ जाएगा हँस अकेला , जग दर्शन का मेला" 

"Birds of these feathers flock, fly and flirt together"

These are some of the creative captions given by the readers of KBG-52 Contest. The contest featured a picture of hundreds of migratory Demoiselle Cranes feeding together at a feeding ground in Rajasthan India. The picture fired the imagination of the participants with more than 30 different captions coming in! The renewed format of Kaun Banega Ghumakkad online contest has evoked greater response form the readers.

Demoiselle Cranes and Folklore

The Demoiselle Cranes migrate every winter from northern latitudes of the earth to warmer regions of India. Khichan, a small village in Rajasthan becomes the winter home to more than 20,000 Cranes every year. The villagers take pride in feeding the cranes. The cranes are part of the local folklore. Vijay Gulechha, a resident of Khichan village has shared the following story and the accompanying music courtesy Renu Bhandari of Jaipur.

When we talk of folk music of Rajasthan we find it replete with different moods and emotions. The most heart rending songs have been the 'virah 'songs or the songs of separation. Those were the times when men used to go to distant lands in search of a living while the womenfolk stayed at home. Those were also the times when the best ever songs of separation were written. One thing worth mentioning is that most of these songs resonated with a strong sense of hope. 

'Kurjaan' undoubtedly is a folk song which tops the list of such songs . It is melodious, lyrical and has a lurking quality that has made it immortal through generations. 'Kurjaan 'is the local name of the Demoiselle Cranes. 

Here is where the song writer's imagination flies with such finesse and smoothness. The hopeful, pining wife earnestly requests the flying bird to take her message to her husband. Those were the times when birds were used for sending missives. Enjoy the song sung by Anupriya Lakhawat and linked below.

The feelings of the lady, her desire and hope, her running down to her mother in law to tell her that her son had arrived, only to realise that he had come in her dreams and not in reality. The pathos, the melody, the perfect use of language has made it a symphony of longing and hope which reverberates in the socio-cultural psyche of the people of this beautiful region.

Readers may also browse our earlier story of the Cranes titled 'Demoiselle Cranes- Morning Roll Call'

Contest Winners

The Jury appreciated the contest entries. For deciding the six winning captions, the Jury were unanimous. Few captions were suggested by more than one reader. Complete list of the captions is being reproduced below for the readers to appreciate the imagination and creativity of the contest participants. 

Our congratulations to all the winners. Winning captions superimposed on the picture of the cranes feeding together follow. We take pleasure in introducing each of the winners briefly.

Ashutosh Anand, former Commodore Indian Navy is an alumnus of IIT Delhi and University of Loughborough, UK. Full of life, he can brighten up any conversation. His caption 'Ghumakkad Ghar Aaye' घुमक्कड़ घर आए meaning 'the wanderers have come home' was the first to hit the Contest.

Ramanand Baliga former Director IBM India is an MTech from IIT Kanpur. He loves travelling and gardening. He has won the KBG Contest many times. His caption 'The Kumbh of Cranes' highlighted the large gathering of cranes as in a kumbh- कुम्भ which means a huge religious fair held every 12 years with more than six million people.

Our next winner is Nidhi Bhargava from Bangalore. A Kathak dancer and an entrepreneur, she loves gardening and travelling. She has won KBG Contest on several occasions. Her caption उड़ जाएगा हँस अकेला, जग दर्शन का मेला (By Sant Kabir), symbolically means 'Every human being like the crane, has to fly away alone in the end'.

JVR Moorty's quote added a humorous touch to the caption 'Birds of these feathers, flock, fly and flirt together'. A former Commander Indian Navy, Moorty has won the KBG Contest on several occasions.

Our next winner is a Professor from BITS Pilani Goa campus. Dr Veeky Baths teaches in the area of cognitive neuro science and loves to interact with people. A regular contestant of KBG, this is his first KBG Award. His caption in Hindi means 'Even the river, gusts of wind and national boundaries can not stop these birds!' Many other readers had also given captions on similar theme.

The next winner has visualised the sighting of the cranes as a heavenly experience. Neelam Sawant, an Army spouse, gardener and traveller gave a crisp caption 'Traffic jam in paradise'. She is a second time winner of KBG.

The Jury

We thank the Jury for taking time off and selecting the winners. Manik Srivastava and Neeta Bhargava- both love Nature and do their bit to preserve the environment. Both of them are widely travelled and are Naval spouses settled in Secunderabad.

We congratulate all the winners and thank all the participants of KBG-52. KBG-53 will tickle your imagination on seeing a cantilever bridge!

We end with an anonymous quote used as a PQ showing a lone Demoiselle Crane in flight.

KBG-53 is coming soon.

Stay connected.

     - Harsh-the-Ghumakkad/ 12th March 2021

#nature #Migratorybirds #demoisellecranes #ghumakkadhb #ghumakkadharsh #KBG #kaunbanegaghumakkad #onlinecontest #powerofobservation #lockdownfunathome #beatthecorona #lockdown #stayhomestaysafe  #captions #learningfromnature #naturelovers #craetivecaptions #pqs #picturesquequotations #khichan #rajsthan #chuggaghar